API Design
Post/Event Ranking
\[ \text{score}(\text{post}) = \frac{\sqrt(1+\text{post.likes})}{1+\text{post.likes}} \times \frac{\alpha\times\log(1+\text{post.likes})}{1+\log(1+\beta\times(\text{time.now}-\text{post.time}))} \]
The above equation defines how we score each post, \(\alpha\) is how much we care about the likes and \(\beta\) is how much we care about how recent the post is. These 2 values can be adjusted to suit our needs. Below is an example of how the equation work.
Likes | Time | \(\alpha\) | \(\beta\) | Score |
0 | 0 | 2 | 0.85 | 1 |
1 | 5 | 2 | 0.85 | 1.057109 |
100 | 3600 | 2 | 0.85 | 0.99312 |
10 | 3600 | 2 | 0.85 | 0.765811 |
200 | 1800 | 2 | 0.85 | 1.171232 |
The post with higher score will be recommended to user.
Group Ranking
\[( \text{score}(\text{group}) = \alpha\times\text{group.members}) \times (\beta\times\text{group.recent_acts}) \]
The above equation defines how we score each group, \(\alpha\) is how much we care about the amount of members in a group and \(\beta\) is how much we care about how much recent activites a group has. These 2 values can also be adjusted to suit our needs. Below is an example of how the equation work.
Members | Recent Activities | \(\alpha\) | \(\beta\) | Score |
10 | 20 | 1 | 1.15 | 13 |
1000 | 10 | 1 | 1.15 | 1015 |
500 | 200 | 1 | 1.15 | 800 |
900 | 100 | 1 | 1.15 | 1050 |
The group with higher score will be recommended to user.
Application API
We will use REST API for application's side API. In the following section will be the draft API endpoint with a data schema if needed.
interface ExampleSchema {
a: string // required field 'a' with type 'string'
b?: number // optional field 'b' with type 'number'
Social API
Retrieving data
GET /api/self
will return the user info of the caller (User
GET /api/users/{communityId}
will return a list of users in a community
interface User {
firstname: string
lastname: string
nickname: string
gender: string
location: Location
profilePicture: string // URL of the image
inteface Users {
data: User[]
pagination: {
next?: string
prev?: string
GET /api/explore
will return a recommended paginated list of communities
GET /api/communities
will return a paginated list of communities
interface Community {
thumbnail: string // URL of the image
name: string
description: string
members: number
likes: number
posts: number
interface Communities {
data: Community[]
pagination: {
next?: string
prev?: string
GET /api/posts
will return a paginated list of posts
- Use this on both global feed and community feed
- Event is also a post, we can get only the events by specify
interface Comment {
owner: string,
content: string
interface EventPost {
owner: string
images?: string[] // URL of the image
header: string
description: string
joined: number
datetime: DateTime
shared: number
comments: Comment[]
interface Post {
owner: string
images?: string[] // URL of the image
header: string
description: string
likes: number
shared: number
comments: Comment[]
interface Posts {
data: Post[] | EventPost[]
pagination: {
next?: string
prev?: string
GET /api/user
will return the user information
interface User {
profileImage: string // URL of the image
name: string
role: string
Creating data
POST /api/signup
for creating a new user
interface NewUser {
username: string
phone: string
birhday: Date
email: string
password: string
confirmPassword: string
POST /api/communities
for creating a new community
interface NewCommunity {
thumbnail: string // URL of the image
name: string
description: string
POST /api/posts
for creating a new post
interface NewPost {
images?: string[] // URL of the image
header: string
description: string
isEvent: boolean
datetime?: DateTime // only use this if isEvent is true
Mutating data
PUT /api/self
for updating the user information
interface UpdateUser {
firstname: string
lastname: string
nickname: string
gender: string
location: Location
PUT /api/self/pic
for updating the user profile picture
interface UpdateUserProfilePic {
profilePicture: string // URL of the image
DELETE /api/communities/{id}
for deleting a community
DELETE /api/posts/{id}
for deleting a post
PUT /api/communities/{id}
for editing a community
interface UpdateCommunity {
thumbnail?: string // URL of the image
name?: string
description?: string
PUT /api/posts/{id}
for editing a post
interface UpdatePost {
images?: string[] // URL of the image
header?: string
description?: string
isEvent?: boolean
datetime?: DateTime // only use this if isEvent is true
POST /api/posts/{id}/like
for liking a post
POST /api/posts/{id}/share
for sharing a post to their own feed
POST /api/posts/{id}/comment
for commenting a post
interface NewComment {
owner: string,
content: string
Retrieving data
GET /api/pets
will return a list of pets of a certain user
interface Pet {
image: string
breed: string
color: string
dateOfBirth: Date
gender: 'Male' | 'Female'
weight: number
isSterilized: boolean
interface Pets {
data: Pet[]
pagination: {
next?: string
prev?: string
GET /api/pets/location
will return a gps location of the pet (both lost and not lost)
interface PetLocation {
current: GPS
history: GPS[]
GET /api/pets/health
will return the health information of certain pet
interface PetHealth {
heartrate: number
calories: number
rest: number
healthrecords: {
datetime: DateTime
content: string
GET /api/pets/health/mood
will return mood histort of the pet
interface PetMood {
data: { datetime: DateTime, value: MoodValue }[]
summary: [MoodValue, number][]
GET /api/pets/health/heartrate
will return heart rate history of the pet
interface PetHeartRate {
range: [number, number]
restingHeartRate: number
data: { datetime: DateTime, value: number }[]
GET /api/pets/health/calories
will return calories history of the pet
interface PetCalories {
data: { datetime: DateTime, value: number }[]
GET /api/pets/health/rest
will return reset history of the pet
interface PetRest {
data: { datetime: DateTime, value: number }[]
GET /api/pets/vaccines
will return a list of vaccines that a pet has
interface Vaccine {
date: Date
description: string
interface Vaccines {
data: Vaccine[]
pagination: {
next?: string
prev?: string
Creating data
POST /api/pets
for adding a new pet
interface NewPet {
image: string
breed: string
color: string
dateOfBirth: Date
gender: 'Male' | 'Female'
weight: number
isSterilized: boolean
POST /api/pets/health/record/{petname}
for adding a new health record to certain pet
interface NewPetHealthRecord {
datetime: DateTime
content: string
POST /api/pets/vaccines/{petname}
for adding a new vacccine to certain pet
interface NewVaccine {
date: Date
description: string
Mutating data
PUT /api/pets/{petname}
for editing a pet information
interface UpdatePet {
image?: string
breed?: string
color?: string
dateOfBirth?: Date
gender?: 'Male' | 'Female'
weight?: number
isSterilized?: boolean
PUT /api/pets/health/record/{petname}/{id}
for editing a certain pet's health record
interface UpdatePetHealthRecord {
datetime?: DateTime
content?: string
PUT /api/pets/vaccines/{petname}
for editing a certain pet's vaccine
interface UpdateVaccine {
date?: Date
description?: string
Collar API
MQTT, or Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, is a lightweight and open-source messaging protocol designed for efficient communication between devices in a distributed and resource-constrained network. It follows a publish-subscribe model, allowing devices to publish messages to specific topics, and other devices to subscribe to those topics to receive relevant information. MQTT is known for its simplicity, low bandwidth usage, and support for unreliable or intermittent networks. It is widely used in Internet of Things (IoT) applications, where devices need to exchange data in a scalable and reliable manner. MQTT's design makes it suitable for scenarios where low latency and minimal network overhead are essential, making it a popular choice for various IoT implementations.
We will use "Fan-In" pattern as stated on this article from AWS.
Collar will have this topic schema collar/{cat | dog}/{deviceId}|{gps | sound | heartrate}
e.g. collar/cat/fed38152-6595-48c1-aaea-ebc0d937a19d/{gps}
and the payload will look like this
// For gps, every 5min send gps location with timestamp
// For sound, send sound recorded (in byte array format) in certain period
70 db c9 dc f4 2a 76 dc 46 47 6c fd e2 5c a6 ea
f7 85 4f b7 59 aa b4 47 b3 ea 97 74 1d 23 f6 5e
d7 43 c5 84 8a 4b 66 ba 46 95 fc d1 64 47 82 77
2c 57 12 73 98 cf 07 57 b7 02 5e c1 aa 31 1f 23
96 19 bf 23 cc 4f fa 41 e1 78 4d 0a 82 31 29 76
18 43 b7 68 e7 11 52 e8 e1 8b 38 70 5a 71 ff 61
3a 7e 5f e5 b5 23 87 80 7a 7c 81 48 88 36 36 db
57 67 22 bd 4e c3 29 34 db 79 6a 4c c1 65 1d dc
39 38 3a c4 db b1 e9 d4 ec 87 71 18 e1 68 fb 9e
a4 59 04 4e c9 30 a9 ac f6 eb 36 52 f1 4a e5 df
9b d6 08 9b 06 cc 8a 53 de fc ab f5 b0 53 7c 22
7d f3 c8 8b 8f 92 04 43 36 cb 60 45 e6 d8 09 bd
b7 6e 35 37 35 21 a6 0f ...
// For heartrate, every 10s send heartrate with timestamp
Then we will publish this to the broker using QOS 1 (at least once).