Physical Topology
Headquarter Floor 1 Physical Topology
Headquarter Floor 1 Physical Topology
- On the first floor of the headquarter, equipment is mostly placed in the access layer in various departments such as access points, servers, storage, and routed up to the network room on the second floor.
- Access points will be connected with a CAT6 cables (green line) that can support speeds of up to 1 Gbps.
- Servers and storage, are connected with fiber optic cables (red line). That supports speeds up to 10 Gbps.
Headquarter Floor 2 Physical Topology
Headquarter Floor 2 Physical Topology
- Almost all network devices in the core layer, distribution layer Installed in the network room on the 2nd floor and routed to the equipment in the access layer. Distributed to various departments on both floors 1 and 2.
- 2 core routers connected to internet service providers And devices that require high bandwidth such as firewalls, distribution switches and access switches are connected with fiber optic cables (red line).
Branch Physical Topology
Branch Physical Topology
- Since the branch has only 1 floor, network equipment is installed in the IT department. The devices in the core layer, distribution layer, and access switches that require high bandwidth are connected with fiber optics (red line). As for access points distributed in various departments, they will be connected with CAT6 (green line). Same as headquarter.